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Obligatory Registration for ORCID Researcher ID

According to an official document by the Turkish Council of Higher Education (YÖK) dated June 8th, 2020 and No. 36054236-299-E.32771, it has been decided that all graduate students registered into programs with thesis must register for and use Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID) for the monitoring and follow-up of any kind of scientific publications along with gradaute theses, articles, proceedings of congreses and symposiums and books.

Our academic staff can click here for a guide including the steps to follow through the registration process for ORCID ID Number.

Our students should follow the link below for YÖKSİS entry through their e-government usernames and passwords:

Please click here for a guide with the steps to follow after YÖKSİS entry.

All our graduate students registered into programs with theses and our academicians must register for an ORCID ID at until July 10th, 2020 and must synchronize previous publications with the ORCID ID number they have obtained.